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The Adventure Mindset


Updated: May 28, 2023

and how it can change everything...

Nobody loves standing in long security lines, and I don’t know one person who is thrilled by the fact that most airline seats only recline about four inches, if you’re lucky.

But I do know people who love to travel, door to door — not just when they arrive at their resort. I know people who almost always have a great flight, no matter what. I’ve talked to people whose trips got rained out, or who missed connecting flights, or who got lost, or who even had passports stolen — and when I ask them how their trip was, they smile and say, “It was great!” and proceed to tell me the full exciting tale. And I'm one of those people too!

woman sitting on suitcase in the middle of a long country road looking at map with suitcase and globe next to her

So what’s the secret? I’ll tell you: let go of the Perfectionist Mindset and adopt the Adventure Mindset.

The difference between these two paradigms changes everything.

The Perfectionist sets unrealistically high expectations for themselves, others, and situations — and when things don’t go well, they often fall into self-blame or blaming others. The Adventurer makes a plan and is prepared, but is willing to roll with what comes along that might not fit with “The Plan.”

The Perfectionist often avoids risk and only goes with the obvious path in an attempt to avoid “failure.” The Adventurer is less concerned with control and more interested in creative approaches and critical thinking when it comes to problem solving.

The Perfectionist focuses on what isn’t working and is often impatient and critical. The Adventurer sees what’s going well and what there is to be grateful for and is quick to offer appreciation, flexibility, and help in tough situations.

What to do when faced with a Challenge

As author and coach Naomi Teeter points out, the Adventurer knows how to ask “quality questions” when faced with a challenge, questions like:

  • What’s the best thing that could happen from this?

  • Hasn't everything worked out just fine in the past? Aren't I OK?

  • What if I chose to be happy and carefree about this instead?

  • What is this teaching me?

  • How can I use this experience to support others?

  • How could I turn this into a great story?

image of directional signs of answers and questions

What can I do differently next time so that this doesn’t happen?

If I’m honest with myself, I know that there are times I fall into the Perfectionist Mindset, in travel and in life. But I also know that at any moment, I can choose something different.

While I do plan where we are going and what to do when we get there, those unexpected finds along the way, and unplanned detours can be even more rewarding.

Like seeing the cows come home from pasture at the end of summer in a cattle parade in Switzerland (Alpabzug) and Austria (Almabtrieb)!

Aren't they cute?

cows decked out in festive flowers, flags and large cowbells being led down the roads by their owners to their home pasture after the summer
Albabzug / Almabtreib - Cow Parades

I can always choose an attitude of adventure while exploring. And as a lifelong traveler, that has made all the difference.

20-Minute Complementary Love to Explore Session

I’d love to chat with you! In your Love to Explore session, we will spend about 20 minutes on the phone talking about your travel dreams. I’ll share with you tips and ideas. You’ll leave our call inspired and excited about possibilities!

If you’re ready to plan your next great adventure, I’d love to help you get there! You can contact me by clicking below or emailing me ( to book your 20-minute Love to Explore Session.


When you reach out to book your complimentary Love to Explore session, I’ll also send you my:

  • Ultimate Packing Checklist, and

  • Discover Your Travel Style Guide.

All FREE to help you plan your best vacation yet!

If you have any questions, please reach out



Hi, thanks for dropping by!

As an avid explorer and Travel Agent, I hope to inspire you to travel and explore the world, or even explore just outside your own backyard!

I’d love to give you a complimentary Love to Explore vacation planning session.  We’ll spend about 20 minutes on the phone talking about your travel dreams and budget.  I’ll share with you tips and ideas and explain how the process works to book through me.  You’ll leave our call inspired and excited about possibilities!


If you’re ready to plan your next great adventure, I’d love to help you get there! You can contact me by clicking below or emailing 

( to book your

20-minute Complementary Love to Explore Vacation Planning Session.

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